본문 바로가기
promise for success

힘이되는 경제, 꿈이되는 자유, 길이되는 구역

Performance of Investment Attraction

Main performances of investment invitations

Avionics System Technology Center

Biomedical Manufacturing Technology Center

Oversea investment firms


Domestic investment firms


Education and research institutions

  • Gyeongbuk Research Institute of Vehicle Embedded Technology
  • Avionics System Technology Center
  • Biomedical Manufacturing Technology Center
  • Boeing MRO Center
만족도 조사현재 페이지의 내용과 사용편의성에 대해서 만족하십니까?


  • 담당부서 대구경북경제자유구역청
  • 연락처 053-550-1500